t-shirts | CD’s | Vinyl


27. is a glimpse into my life as it was at that age; the feeling & Thoughts brought up by the significant changes most people experience in their late 20’s. The album explores many different musical territories. Whether you’re looking for a mellow vibe, or something more high-energy, There is something to be found for everybody. Throughout the creation of this album my life was pretty chaotic, But lo & behold, That chaos gave birth to this all-encompassing synopsis of my life at the time. Please sit back, Relax, & enjoy a tour through the album. Take your time to absorb all of the original sounds & samples from which it’s composed. I am certain you will have as much fun listening, as I had creating it. Thank you.

27. Album.png



 Other Works


Bankrupt Freedom




SKYLR is a multi Instrumentalist who creates and produces soundscapes that cross pollinate a multitude of genres. You will hear many different musical styles each one unique and organic. Main instruments are as follows.


Violin / Guitar / Keys / MPC Renaissance